Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Musculosketal pain & imbalance

A recent client came for upper back, shoulder and neck pain.  She works in IT so admits she has very bad posture as she's mostly at the computer all day.  She's never had Bowen before, so with any client new to this type of treatment I knew I'd need to go carefully in order to see how her body would respond to it.

With any Bowen treatment, it can release toxins stored in the body and these can make you feel a little achy next day, so slow and careful, first time round!  Oh the good news is that Bowen also makes your body better assimilate nutrients, so every cloud does have a silver lining eh?

 BEFORE - her L leg is shorter
AFTER clearly shows leg length improved
This time I remembered to take photos BEFORE I treated her and I've attached them here.  As it WAS  her first treatment, I explained that I would be able to relieve her back and neck discomfort, which I did, but wouldn't at this time, do much more until her body 'understood' what Bowen would be doing.  Too much on the first treatment can be too much 'information' for the body to handle.  A little like overloading info into a computer?
BEFORE- her L buttock higher
AFTER - buttocks now level

Bowen, by the way, continues to 'work' on the body (incrementally) over 4-5 DAYS (not hours!). So slow is far, far better at the very first treatment.  This is why we recommend against any other remedial therapy from any other source for that 4-5 days by the way.

BEFORE - her L knee is lower
AFTER - Knees now level
Anyway, as you can see her leg length shows the left leg pulled up tight into the pelvic area shown here by the misalignment of the heels as I gently pulled them together.  The next photo if you look closely shows her left buttock is higher than the right and when I turn her over and she bends her knees (making sure the feet are in perfect alignment too), the left again is decidedly shorter than the right.

Second Treatment
One week later she reported feeling really good after her first treatment, so I was OK to "pull out all the stops" and correct her pelvic imbalance and leg length discrepancy.  Any runners reading this will be delighted to know that this is an easy issue to correct and will greatly enhance your smooth running and your body response (recuperation).

Her main areas of tension were located in two places - her lower  back muscles on the Right (Quadratus Lumborum or QL for short), the right Psoas (which is a deep muscle that supports the action of the QL and often causes problems with pelvic balance, especially standing straight) and the Left inguinal ligament that connects the hip bone with the pubic bone.  Other moves were made over additional areas, but these were the one where particular imbalances were found.  Both can affect the pelvis and consequently the length of the leg, the placement of buttocks and knees - as you see in the AFTER treatment photos all those areas have improved markedly.  The client herself could FEEL the difference as well as see for herself when looking down towards her knees.

If you require your body balanced and to reduce physical discomfort no matter how long you've had this for (it could be a car accident you suffered years ago), Bowen can help you. Contact us for an appointment at Brilliant Living Solutions.

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