What is Neuro-Training with Kinesiology?
Kinesiology involves the use of muscle testing, monitoring subconscious neurological responses. Involving the use of muscle testing, monitoring or checking, this enables access to information about a person's wellbeing.
Neuro-Training is about
retraining our brain and facilitating changes in the nervous system encouraging
‘symptoms’ to fade and a better functioning pattern to emerge (includes Mind,
Emotional, Physical, Energy, Fears, Phobias, Habits, etc).
Today we are under such relentless high
pressure, that we seem to be in constant Flight/Fight (distress) mode. This can affect our ability for rational
thinking; losing perspective on what is an emergency and what is not.
Neuro-Training therefore helps to break the distress habit in two ways.
1. Retrain your brain not to go into defence mode habitually
2. Bring the blood (and its nutrients)back to the areas of the brain restricted due to going into ‘Flight or Fight’ mode
Sessions are tailored to individual client needs (stress is just one) and include physical symptoms, emotions, energy levels and patterns of thinking, etc.
As an example, stress is good – to a degree! When it becomes too demanding and ongoing however, we become ‘distressed’.
We then defend against this chronic demand and subconsciously start to change our everyday behaviour. We often do not notice this happening.
This affects other functions in our brain and stops us from learning, makes it difficult to concentrate, think clearly, remember, or to coordinate simple tasks.
We get so used to behaving like this, we may not be aware just how stressed we are. This then starts to impact on our health & wellbeing.
*PTSD is one example of sustained defence against trauma.
*Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
The human body is like a highly complex machine and if it is to function effectively (it should be) kept in good working condition.
If anything impacts or interferes with that complexity, the result is illness..
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